
AARI Winter Internship May 2024 on "Biofertilizers" for Loyola College - UG Students

Winter Internship 2024 Annakkili Amma Research Institute (AARI), conducted 11 days winter internship program for Loyola College, UG Plant Biology and Biotechnology final year students.  The Internship program was covering Vermitechnology, Nitrogen fixing Bacterial isolation, compost preparation, Seaweed Liquid Fertilizers and other topics related to Biofertilizer. The 11 days program started on 18th December 2024 and till 30th  December 2024 for first batch and for second batch it started on 2nd January, 2025. This Post contains the Name List of the students, who participated in the Internship Program d uring   18th December 2024 to 12th  January 2025 . This list is to cross verify the certificate provided by AARI (AARI certificates are provided with QR codes, if anyone want to check the authenticity of the certificate can simply scan and verify the Name and AARI register Number).    Reg. No Name Roll No AARI-10...



Notification No.:02/2024

 Date: 14.03.2024 


3rd & 4th Floor, Puratchi Thalaivar Dr.M.G.R. Centenary Building, Perasiriyar Anbazhagan Kalvi Valagam, College Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600 006. 


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Direct Recruitment to the posts of Assistant Professors in Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service for Government Arts & Science Colleges and Government Colleges of Education through online mode only up to 05.00 p.m. on 29.04.2024. The Government have granted permission to fill up 4000 (Four Thousand) vacancies for appointment to the posts of Assistant Professors in the Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service for Government Arts & Science Colleges and Government Colleges of Education by Direct Recruitment in accordance with the G.O.(Ms)No.246, G.O.(Ms)No.247 and G.O.(Ms)No.248, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 08.11.2022 respectively. “THE CANDIDATES WHO HAD ALREADY APPLIED AND PAID THE FEES EARLIER IN RESPONSE TO THE NOTIFICATION NO.12/2019, DATED: 28.08.2019 AND 04.10.2019 HAVE TO APPLY AGAIN AFRESH BUT THEY ARE EXEMPTED FROM THE PAYMENT OF ONLINE APPLICATION REGISTRATION FEES.” Page 2 of 40 Sl. No. Name of the Post & Scale of Pay Service Post Code Total No. of Vacancies 1. Assistant Professor in Government Arts & Science Colleges and Government Colleges of Education Pay Scale: Rs. 57,700 – 1,82,400 (Level 10) Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service 24ASC 4000 Including Backlog Vacancies-72, Shortfall Vacancies-4, Special Recruitment Presidency College-3 and Current Vacancies- 3921 1. IMPORTANT DATES: A. Date of Notification : 14.03.2024 B. Date of Commencement of Applying through Online mode : 28.03.2024 C. Last Date for Submission of Application through Online mode : 29.04.2024 D. Date of Examination : 04.08.2024 (Tentative) E. Date of Interview : Will be announced later 2. DETAILS OF VACANCIES: A. Backlog Vacancies : 72 B. Shortfall Vacancies : 4 C. To teach Differently Abled Person (Hard of Hearing) in Tamil and Computer Application subjects (Special Recruitment Presidency College, Chennai-5) : 3* D. Current Vacancies : 3921 Total : 4000 *1 post for Tamil and 2 posts for Computer Application BCA (HI). The rule of reservation does not apply to these posts as it is special recruitment. Page 3 of 40 3. SUBJECT WISE AND COMMUNITY WISE VACANCIES: a. BACKLOG / CARRIED FORWARD VACANCIES: Communal Turn English Mathematics Statistics Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology Computer Science History Geography Economics Commerce Commerce (Comp. Appn.) Commerce (E Commerce) Political Science Public Administration Business Administration Sanskrit Total GT DF 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 18 GT PH 2 2 GT BL 1 1 2 BC W DF 1 1 2 MBC / DNC 3 1 1 5 MBC / DNC DF 1 1 MBC / DNC BL 1 1 SC DF 2 1 3 SC PH 1 1 2 SCA W 1 1 ST 6 2 1 2 5 2 1 2 2 1 24 ST T 1 1 2 ST BL 1 1 ST W 1 2 2 1 1 1 8 Total 17 7 4 6 7 3 2 5 1 2 7 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 72 Note: In the previous notification 81 vacancies were notified as Backlog vacancies. As per the G.O.(3D) No.11, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 29.07.2019 and G.O. (3D) No.13, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated:17.09.2019, two posts in Commerce and seven posts in History are interchanged to other categories of PwD candidates as per the directions in W.P.No.2257/2015 & W.P.No.8692/2015 and filled by the other categories of PwD candidates by the Government. b. SHORTFALL VACANCIES: Communal Turn English Chemistry Computer Science Geography Total ST 1 1 1 1 4 Page 4 of 40 c. CURRENT VACANCIES: Sl. No. FACULTY Cate gory GT BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST Grand G W G W G W G W G W G W G W Total 1 Bio Chemistry 4 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 24 TM 1 1 1 1 VI 1 LD 1 2 Biological Science Education 1 1 3 Botany 18 9 17 6 2 1 11 6 10 5 2 1 1 115 TM 5 2 4 2 3 1 2 1 1 VI 1 HH 1 1 LD 1 MD 1 4 Plant Biology and Plant BioTechnology 4 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 TM 1 1 1 1 1 28 VI 1 5 Bio Technology 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 Business Administration 4 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 20 TM 1 1 1 1 7 Computer Science 41 18 35 15 5 2 27 11 21 9 3 2 1 1 244 TM 9 4 9 3 1 1 6 3 4 2 1 VI 1 1 1 HH 1 1 LD 1 1 MD 1 1 1 8 Computer Application 12 4 10 4 1 1 8 4 7 2 1 76 TM 4 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 HH 1 LD 1 MD 1 9 Chemistry 45 19 38 16 4 2 29 12 21 9 4 3 2 263 TM 11 4 9 4 2 1 6 3 5 2 1 VI 1 1 1 HH 1 1 LD 1 1 1 MD 1 1 1 10 Commerce 49 21 43 19 5 2 33 13 23 11 4 3 2 1 296 TM 12 5 10 5 1 1 8 4 6 2 1 VI 1 1 1 HH 1 1 1 LD 1 1 1 MD 1 1 1 11 Commerce (Accounts & Finance) 1 1 2 Page 5 of 40 Sl. No. FACULTY Cate gory GT BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST Grand Total G W G W G W G W G W G W G W 12 Commerce (Banking & Insurance) 1 1 13 Commerce (Computer Application) 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 14 TM 1 1 VI 1 LD 1 14 Commerce (ECommerce) 1 1 15 Commerce (International Business) 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 TM 1 1 1 1 21 VI 1 16 Commerce (Co-Operation) 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 14 TM 1 1 17 Commerce (Corporate Secretaryship) 4 3 4 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 TM 1 1 1 1 30 VI 1 18 Costume Design and Fashion 1 1 1 1 1 5 19 Defence Studies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 20 English 136 58 118 50 15 7 88 38 67 28 12 6 4 2 656 VI 2 1 1 1 1 1 HH 2 1 1 1 2 LD 1 1 1 1 1 1 MD 1 1 2 1 1 1 21 Economics 27 13 24 9 4 1 17 7 13 5 2 2 1 161 TM 6 2 5 3 1 5 2 3 2 1 VI 1 1 HH 1 LD 1 MD 1 1 22 Education 7 3 7 3 1 1 4 3 4 2 1 45 TM 2 1 1 1 1 1 VI 1 LD 1 23 Electronics 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 21 TM 1 1 1 24 Electronics and Communication 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 TM 1 1 25 Environmental Science 1 1 26 Fashion Technology 1 1 Page 6 of 40 Sl. No. FACULTY Cate gory GT BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST Grand Total G W G W G W G W G W G W G W 27 Food Service Management & Dietetics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 28 Food Science & Nutrition 1 1 1 1 4 29 Food & Nutrition 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 10 30 Geography 14 5 10 5 1 9 4 7 3 1 78 TM 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 VI 1 HH 1 MD 1 31 Geology 4 2 4 3 1 3 2 1 2 TM 1 1 1 1 1 28 VI 1 32 History 21 10 18 8 3 15 5 9 4 2 1 1 1 126 TM 4 2 4 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 VI 1 HH 1 LD 1 1 MD 1 33 Historical Studies 1 1 1 1 4 34 History Education 1 1 35 Home science 4 3 5 3 1 1 3 2 3 2 36 TM 2 1 1 1 1 1 VI 1 HH LD 1 36 Human Resource Development (HRD) 1 1 2 37 Human Rights 1 1 1 3 38 Hindi 1 1 1 1 1 5 39 Information Technology 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 12 TM 1 1 40 Indian Culture and Tourism 1 1 1 1 4 41 Indian Music 1 1 1 3 42 Journalism and Mass Communication 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Page 7 of 40 Sl. No. FACULTY Cate gory GT BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST Grand G W G W G W G W G W G W G W Total 43 Mathematics 53 23 47 19 5 3 35 14 26 10 5 3 2 318 TM 13 5 11 5 2 1 8 4 6 3 1 1 VI 1 1 1 HH 2 1 LD 1 1 1 MD 1 1 1 1 44 Micro Biology 5 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 3 1 32 TM 1 1 1 1 1 1 VI 1 LD 1 45 Marine Biology 1 1 2 46 Mathematics Education 1 1 1 1 4 47 Malayalam 1 1 48 Nutrition & Dietetics 3 2 4 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 TM 1 1 1 1 26 VI 1 49 Political Science 5 3 5 2 1 1 4 2 3 2 37 TM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VI 1 LD 1 50 Physics 39 18 32 15 4 2 25 10 16 8 4 2 2 226 TM 9 3 8 3 1 1 6 2 5 2 VI 1 1 HH 1 1 LD 1 1 MD 1 1 1 51 Physical Education 1 1 52 Physical Science Education 1 1 1 1 4 53 Public Administration 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 TM 1 1 54 Psychology 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 14 TM 1 1 1 55 Statistics 15 5 11 5 1 9 4 7 3 1 80 TM 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 HH 1 LD MD 1 56 Sociology 1 1 1 3 57 Social Work 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 16 TM 1 1 Page 8 of 40 Sl. No. FACULTY Cate gory GT BC BCM MBC SC SCA ST Grand G W G W G W G W G W G W G W Total 58 Sanskrit 1 1 1 1 4 59 Tourism and Travel Management 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 TM 1 1 1 60 Tamil 94 42 82 37 10 4 63 26 45 19 9 4 3 1 569 TM 23 9 19 8 3 2 15 6 12 5 2 1 1 1 VI 1 1 1 1 1 1 HH 2 1 1 1 LD 1 2 1 1 1 MD 2 1 1 1 1 61 Telugu 1 1 2 62 Urdu 1 1 1 3 63 Visual Communication 3 2 5 2 1 3 1 2 2 29 TM 2 1 1 1 1 VI 1 LD 1 64 Wild Life Biology 1 1 1 1 1 5 65 Zoology 22 9 17 8 4 1 13 7 12 5 2 1 1 132 TM 5 3 5 2 4 1 3 1 1 VI 1 HH 1 1 LD 1 MD 1 Total 849 362 721 309 100 40 552 233 409 180 78 55 21 12 3921 d. TO TEACH DEAF CANDIDATES IN TAMIL AND COMPUTER APPLICATION SUBJECT (SPECIAL RECRUITMENT PRESIDENCY COLLEGE, CHENNAI-5): Communal Turn Tamil Computer Application Total GT 1 2 3 Page 9 of 40 4. RULE OF RESERVATION: a. Vertical Reservation: 69% Communal reservation will be followed vertically as per existing Government rules / Orders i.e., 18% shall be reserved for Scheduled Castes including 3% offered to SC(A) on preferential basis amongst the Scheduled Castes, 1% for Scheduled Tribes, 26.5% for Backward Classes (other than Backward Class Muslims), 3.5% for the Backward Class Muslims, 20% for Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities and 31% (General Turn) shall be filled on the basis of merit. Provided that even after filling up of the required candidates for posts for SC(A) amongst the Scheduled Castes, if more number of qualified SC(A) are available, such excess number of candidates of SC(A) shall be entitled to compete with the other Scheduled Castes in the inter-se-merit among them and if any appointment or post reserved for SC(A) remains unfilled for want of adequate number of qualified candidates, it shall be filled up by Scheduled Caste candidates other than SC(A). b. Horizontal Reservation: (i) Women Reservation: 30% Women reservation will be provided horizontally as per Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Condition of Service) Act 2016, section 26, (Tamil Nadu Act No.14 of 2016), and existing Government Rules / Orders. If qualified and suitable women candidates are not available for selection against the vacancies reserved for them, those vacancies will be filled by male candidates belonging to the respective communal categories. (ii) Reservation for Persons Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM): Reservation for PSTM shall be as per G.O.(Ms)No.82, Human Resource Management (S) Department, Dated: 16.08.2021. ➢ As per Section 2(d) of the Tamil Nadu Appointment on preferential basis in the services under the State of Persons Studied in Tamil Medium Act, 2010, as amended by Act 35 of 2020, Person studied in Tamil medium means a person who has studied through Tamil medium of instruction up to the educational qualification prescribed for direct recruitment in the Rules or Regulations or Orders applicable to any appointment in the services under the State. ➢ Candidates claiming to be Persons Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) must upload evidence for the same in the form of SSLC, HSC, Transfer Certificate, Provisional Page 10 of 40 Certificate, Degree Certificate, PG Degree Certificate, Mark Sheets, Certificate from the Board or University or from the Institution, as the case may be, with a recording that he / she had studied the entire duration of the respective course(s) through Tamil Medium of instruction at the time of submission of online application. ➢ If no such document as evidence for ‘PSTM’ is available, a certificate from the Head Master / Principal / Head of the Institution / District Educational Officer / Chief Educational Officer / District Adi Dravidar Welfare Officer / Registrar or Controller of Examinations of Universities / Director of the Institution as the case may be, in the prescribed format must be uploaded at the time of submission of Online application, for every educational qualification up to the prescribed qualification. (Annexure - I & II) ➢ Failure to upload the required documents at the time of submission of online application as evidence for ‘Persons Studied in Tamil Medium shall not be considered under PSTM Category. ➢ Documents uploaded at the time of submission of the online application as proof of having studied in Tamil medium, for the partial duration of any course / private appearance at any examination, shall not be considered under PSTM Category. (iii) Reservation for Differently Abled Persons: 4% Horizontal Reservation as per Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Amendment Act 2016, shall be applicable as per G.O.(Ms)No.20, Welfare of Differently Abled (DAP3.2) Department, Dated: 20.06.2018, the benchmark disabilities are applicable with respect to the notified posts. The Candidate who claims reservation under Differently Abled category should possess a valid identity card issued by the competent authority under the Commissionerate for Differently abled, Government of Tamil Nadu. 5. TRANSGENDER: [As per G.O.(Ms).No.90, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme (SW8(2)) Department, dated 22.12.2017] a. Determination of Community: ➢ The Transgender candidates who do not possess any community certificate may choose to be considered under Most Backward Classes as per G.O.(Ms) No.28, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department, Dated: 06.04.2015 or under ‘others’. Page 11 of 40 ➢ The Transgender candidates who belong to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Caste (A) / Scheduled Tribe communities and possess community certificate as such, shall be considered as per their respective community. ➢ The Transgender candidates who belong to the communities other than Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Castes (A) / Scheduled Tribe and possesses community certificate as such are permitted to choose to be considered as belonging to their own community or as Most Backward Classes whichever is advantageous to them, at the time of Online Registration itself. Once the individual opts to be considered as a particular community, it shall be crystallized and this option shall not be changed in future. b. Reservation in Employment: ➢ The Transgender candidates who identify themselves as ‘Female’ shall be considered against both 30% reservation for women as well as 70% reservation for the General category (both Men & Women). ➢ The Transgender candidates, who identify themselves as ‘Male’ or ‘Transgender’, shall be considered against the 70% reservation for General category (both Men & Women). ➢ The above concessions shall be granted subject to production of certificate identifying them as Transgender or Transgender (Male) or Transgender (Female), as the case may be, issued by the Tamil Nadu Transgender Welfare Board (TNTGWB).” 6. QUALIFICATIONS: A. AGE LIMIT : Candidates should not have completed 57 years as on 01-07-2024. B. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: (As on the date of notification) & (As per G.O.(Ms) No.05, Higher Education (H1) Department, Dated.11.01.2021). C. DIRECT RECRUITMENT : For the Disciplines of Arts, Commerce, Humanities, Education, Social Sciences, Sciences, Languages, Physical Education and Journalism & Mass Communication. Assistant Professor: Eligibility (a or b): a. i) A Master’s degree with a minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned / relevant / allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university. Page 12 of 40 A relaxation of 5% shall be allowed at the Bachelor’s as well as at the Master‘s level for the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities / Backward Classes / Differently-abled ((a)Blindness and low vision; (b)Deaf and Hard of Hearing; (c)Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid-attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d)Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability (e)Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness) for the purpose of eligibility and assessing good academic record for direct recruitment. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever the grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible, based only on the qualifying marks without including any grace mark procedure. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19 September 1991. ii) Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the CSIR, or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET/SET or who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M. Phil. / Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendments from time to time as the case may be exempted from NET/ SLET/ SET : Provided, the candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme prior to July 11, 2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then existing Ordinances / Bye-laws / Regulations of the Institution awarding the degree and such Ph.D. candidates shall be exempted from the requirement of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in Universities / Colleges / Institutions subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: a) The Ph.D. degree of the candidate has been awarded in a regular mode; b) The Ph.D. thesis has been evaluated by at least two external examiners; c) An open Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate has been conducted; d) The Candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph.D. work, out of which at least one is in a refereed journal; Page 13 of 40 e) The candidate has presented at least two papers based on his/her Ph.D. work in conferences / seminars sponsored / funded / supported by the UGC / ICSSR / CSIR or any similar agency. The fulfillment of these conditions is to be certified by the Registrar or the Dean (Academic Affairs) of the University concerned. (OR) b. The Ph. D degree has been obtained from a foreign university / institution with a ranking among top 500 in the World University Ranking (at any time) by any one of the following: (i) Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), (ii) The Times Higher Education (THE) or (iii) The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Shanghai). Note: NET / SLET / SET shall not be a required for such Masters Programmes in disciplines for which NET / SLET / SET is not conducted by the UGC, CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET / SET. Remark: For the Special Recruitment to teach the deaf candidates, apart from the qualification mentioned above, they should possess anyone of the following additional special qualifications: a. Rehabilitation Council of India approved Disability related (Deaf) Course-Senior Diploma in Teaching the Deaf (Hearing Impairment) (or) b. Special B.Ed. in teaching the Hearing Impairment. D. EQUIVALENCE OF QUALIFICATION: The Government orders relating to equivalence of qualification are available in the Teachers Recruitment Board’s website. However, if the candidate possesses an equivalence of qualification other than one mentioned in the Board’s website and if Government orders to this effect have been issued on or before the date of this notification, candidates should furnish the details of the same while applying and should upload a copy of the Government order at the time of uploading of documents, failing which his/her candidature will be rejected after due process. The Government orders regarding equivalence of qualification issued after the date of this notification will not be considered for this recruitment. Page 14 of 40 E. Adequate knowledge of the official language of the State, namely, Tamil: As per the Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service rules, every person appointed to any category of the services of Collegiate Education by direct recruitment whose mother tongue is other than Tamil or who have not studied Tamil in any school or college should pass the special language test in Tamil for officers of the Education Department (Higher Standard) having Code No.027 (Paper-I) and Code No.042 (Paper-II) conducted by TNPSC, within a period of two years from the date of appointment. 7. HOW TO APPLY: a. Read carefully the "How to Apply" section given in the advertisement / website. b. Candidates should apply only through online mode in the Teachers Recruitment Board website The application process is entirely online. No other mode of application will be entertained. c. A valid e-mail id and Mobile Number of candidates are mandatory for registration and e-mail id should be kept active for any future correspondence. d. Evidence for claims made by the candidate while applying online shall be uploaded by the candidate at the time of Registration itself. The same will be verified subsequently at the time of Certificate Verification and Interview. e. All the particulars mentioned in the online application including name of the candidate, post applied for, subject applied for, communal reservation, date of birth, address and all other fields will be considered as final and no modifications shall be allowed after the last date specified for applying through online. Candidates are requested to fill in the online application form with utmost care and caution, as no correspondence regarding change of particulars will be entertained at any cost. f. Incomplete or defective applications shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances. 8. UPLOADING THE DOCUMENTS: Candidates should upload the required documents for proof in respect of all the claims made in the application with reference to this notification as and when called for. If the required certificates are not uploaded by the applicant, within the stipulated time, his/her application will be rejected after due process. Page 15 of 40 The following Original Certificates and Mark Statements are to be uploaded in the portal along with the Online application: i. 10th / SSLC Mark Sheet ii. 12th / HSC Mark Sheet iii. Diploma or its equivalent, if applicable 1. Consolidated Marks Sheet of all Semesters 2. Diploma Certificate or Provisional Certificate iv. UG Degree Certificate 1. Consolidated Marks Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate v. PG Degree Certificate 1. Consolidated Mark Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate vi. M.Phil. Degree, if applicable 1. Consolidated Mark Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate vii. B.Ed. Degree, if applicable 1. Consolidated Mark Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate viii. M.Ed. Degree, if applicable 1. Consolidated Mark Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate ix. Ph.D. Degree/Viva Voce approval letter from university, if applicable x. NET / SLET, etc., Certificate, if applicable xi. Evidence (G.O.) for Equivalence of Qualification, if applicable xii. Community Certificate Page 16 of 40 xiii. Proof for claiming Persons Studied in Tamil Medium reservation (PSTM), if applicable (ANNEXURE- I & II) xiv. No Objection Certificate from the HOD or Appointing Authority, if applicable. (ANNEXURE-III) xv. Conduct Certificate from the last studied Institution xvi. Character Certificate from a Gazetted officer xvii. Transgender ID Card with Gender Certificate, if applicable. xviii. Differently Abled (PwD) Certificate, if applicable. Important Note: The experience certificate of Guest Lecturers, if applicable shall be uploaded in Candidate’s Dashboard as per the format given in Annexure-IV between 01.07.2024 and 30.07.2024. a. Community Certificate: Community Certificate should be obtained from the following authorities of Government of Tamil Nadu for candidates claiming Communal reservation as the case may be: ➢ ST - Revenue Divisional Officer (if the certificate is issued after 11.11.1989) ➢ SC/SCA – Tahsildar of native taluk of the candidate. ➢ BC / MBC / DNC – Headquarters Deputy Tahsildar or Special Deputy Tahsildar. ➢ Community Certificate of married Woman candidate issued with her Father’s/Mother’s name alone shall be accepted. If the Community Certificate is obtained with the Candidate’s Husband’s name, then she will be considered General Turn (GT) only. ➢ Community certificates issued by any other State or Union Territory Authorities will not be considered against vacancies reserved for 69% communal reservation. They will be considered only under General Turn (GT). (For further details refer para 14 (F) of “Instructions to the candidates”) ( Page 17 of 40 b. Persons Studied in Tamil Medium (PSTM) Certificate: The candidates who claim reservation under PSTM (Persons Studied in Tamil Medium) category have to submit Tamil Medium Study Certificate in the prescribed format (ANNEXURE I & II). [As per G.O.(Ms.)No.82, Human Resource Management (S) Department, Dated 16.08.2021] c. Differently Abled (PwD) Certificate: A candidate who wants to avail the benefit of reservation under Differently Abled (PwD) category would have to submit an Identity Card and Passbook with Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Authority. d. No Objection Certificate: (N.O.C.): Persons who are in the service of the Indian Union or a State in India or in the employment of Local Bodies or Universities, or Quasi Government Organizations constituted under the authority of the Government of India or of a State in India whether in regular service or in a temporary service need not send their application through their Head of Department or Employer. Instead, they may directly apply to the Teachers Recruitment Board after duly informing their Employer in writing that they are applying for the particular recruitment and with the condition that they should produce “No Objection Certificate” in the prescribed format from the HOD or the Appointing Authority / Division Head at the time of attending the Certificate Verification. (Annexure III). 9. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: The scheme of examination shall be as announced in G.O.(Ms)No.246, Higher Education (F2) department, Dated:08.11.2022 as below. The marks for written examination shall be fixed as 200 and 15 percent of the marks shall be for interview as detailed below: 1. The Scheme of Examination for Paper-1, 50 MCQ from Section – A shall contain 25 questions from Tamil Language, and the remaining 25 questions from G.K., especially on Current Affairs. 2. Section-B of Paper – I and Section – A and Section – B of Paper -II shall be as mentioned in the G.O.(Ms) No.246, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated:08.11.2022. Page 18 of 40 3. The Questions from Section - B of Paper - I shall be based on the first two levels of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. i.e., Remembering and Understanding. The Questions from Section - B of Paper - II shall be from the next four higher order levels i.e., Applying, Analysing, Evaluating and Creating. Sl. No. Description Hours of Examination Number of Questions Each Question carries Maximum Marks 1 Written Examination (Post Graduate Standard) 200 Paper — I 3 Hours (forenoon) 100 Section — A (Multiple choice with objective type — including Tamil Language as a component) (All the questions are compulsory) 1 Hour 50 (25 Questions from Tamil Language and remaining 25 Questions from GK especially on Current Affairs) 1 mark 50 Section — B (Descriptive type reflecting all units from respective subjects with adequate choice) 2 Hours 5 (Out of 8 questions) 10 marks 50 Paper —II 3 Hours (afternoon) 100 Section — A (Multiple choice with objective type in respective subjects) (All the questions are compulsory) 1 Hour 50 (Five Questions from each unit) 1 mark 50 Section — B (Descriptive type reflecting all units with adequate choice) 2 Hours 5 (Out of 8 questions) 10 marks 50 Page 19 of 40 2 Interview 30 If vacancy is more than 5, then Two times of the number of Vacancies shall be called for interview If vacancy is less than 5, then Three times of the number of Vacancies shall be called for interview Grand Total 230 The minimum marks fixed as 40% for General Category and 30% for the Other Categories for the Competitive written examination alone. The 30 marks for the Interview component (Viva-voce) shall be apportioned as detailed below: Sl. No. Particulars Marks (Maximum) 1 Content Whether the candidate presents relevant and well organised subject material 9 Marks 2 Delivery Whether the candidate is clear, understandable and audible while presenting 9 Marks 3 Language Whether the candidate is proficient in English / Tamil language and articulates concepts well 6 Marks 4 Personal Characteristics Whether the candidate is confident and possesses a calm disposition 6 Marks Total 30 Marks NORMS FOR GUEST LECTURERS AS PER G.O. (Ms) No.247, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 08.11.2022: In supersession of the orders issued in the Government Order (Ms) No.56, Higher Education (F2) department, dt. 21.03.2020, the Government have granted permission to the University Grants Commission qualified Guest Lecturers working in Government Colleges to take part in the Open Competitive Written Examinations, following the procedure issued in the G.O. (Ms) No.247, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 08.11.2022 and such Guest Lecturers who have cleared the Written Competitive Examinations, shall be awarded a weightage of 2 marks for each academic year of teaching experience (i.e.,11 months), subject to a maximum of 15 marks for the years of service rendered in Government Colleges, as a onetime measure and the marks to be awarded for experience and interview shall be as follows: Page 20 of 40 1 For Guest Lecturers who have taught in Government Colleges: Teaching experience in Government Colleges as Guest Lecturers with University Grants Commission approved Educational Qualifications from time to time in the posts sanctioned by the Government. (2 Marks for each Academic Year (i.e. 11 months) - subject to a maximum of 15 marks) 15 Marks (Maximum) 2 Viva voce (for Guest Lecturers) If a candidate has gained less than 15 marks for experience then the remaining marks will be added for Viva-Voce component and Viva voce for such candidates will be held with the remaining marks for experience + Viva-Voce marks (i.e.) if a candidate scores 8 marks for experience he will face viva-voce for 22. (Max. marks for experience (i.e.) 15 minus actual experience marks 8) = 7 + 15 (Viva voce marks) = 22 marks. These 22 marks shall be distributed under the four components prescribed for interview on pro-rata basis as per G.O.(Ms) No.246, Higher Education (F2) department, dt. 08.11.2022. (i.e.) Content, Delivery, Language and Personal Characteristics. 15 marks Total 30 Marks (Maximum) The qualifications prescribed by the University Grants Commission from time to time shall be reckoned, for counting of teaching experience, for the guest lecturers working in Government Colleges alone. Sl. No. Date Qualification prescribed by UGC for appointment of Assistant Professors in College / Universities. 1. Before 1991 PG with 50% minimum marks 2. 19.09.1991 PG with 55% minimum marks with pass NET/SLET 3. 1993 PG with of 55% minimum marks with NET/SLET. Exemption for those who completed M.Phil. before 31.12.1993 or submitted Ph.D. dissertation before 31.12.1993 Page 21 of 40 SYLLABUS: The syllabus for the written competitive examination will be followed as per G.O.(Ms) No.50, HE (F2) Dated: 28.02.2024. (Gazetted Syllabus No.73) The candidates who had applied for various subjects in TRB 2019 Notification shall be considered for the corresponding 65 subjects in this notification and 65 subjects are grouped into 49 Disciplines for the purpose of written examination. Sl. No 73 Subjects listed in 2019 TRB Notification Sl. No. 65 Subjects considered in the present Notification Sl. No. 65 subjects grouped into 49 Disciplines for the purpose of written examination 1 BBM 1 Business Administration 1 Business Administration 2 Business Administration 3 Biochemistry 2 Bio Chemistry 2 Bio Chemistry 4 Biodiversity - - - 5 Biological Science (Education) 3 Biological Science Education 3 Biological Science Education 6 Bio-Technology 4 Bio Technology 4 Bio Technology 7 Botany 5 Botany 5 Botany / Plant Biology and Plant Bio Technology 8 Plant Biology and Plant BioTechnology 6 Plant Biology and Plant Bio Technology 9 Plant BioTechnology 10 Chemistry 7 Chemistry 6 Chemistry 11 Commerce 8 Commerce 7 Commerce 12 Commerce (Computer Application) 9 Commerce (Computer Application) 13 Commerce (E-Com) 10 Commerce (E.Commerce) 14 Commerce (International Business) 11 Commerce (International Business) 15 International Business 4. 31.07.2002 PG with 55% marks with NET / SLET. Exemption for Ph.D. dissertation submitted before 31.12.2002. 5. 14.06.2006 PG with 55% minimum marks with NET/SLET. Exemption for M.Phil. for taking UG class & Ph.D. for taking PG class. 6. 30.06.2010 PG with 55% minimum marks with NET/SLET. Exemption only for Ph.D. holders. Page 22 of 40 16 Co-operation 12 Commerce (Co-Operation) 17 Corporate Secretaryship 13 Commerce (Corporate Secretaryship) 14 Commerce (Accounts and Finance) 15 Commerce (Banking and Insurance) 18 Computer Application 16 Computer Application 8 Computer Science /Computer Application 19 Computer Science 17 Computer Science 20 Computer Technology - - - 21 Defence Studies 18 Defence Studies 9 Defence Studies 22 Economics 19 Economics 10 Economics 23 Education (Education) 20 Education 11 Education 24 Electronics 21 Electronics 12 Electronics /Electronics and Communication 25 Electronics and Communication 22 Electronics and Communication 26 Electronics and Communication Systems 27 English 23 English 13 English 28 Environmental Science 24 Environmental Science 14 Environmental Science 29 Food and Nutrition 25 Food and Nutrition 15 Home Sciences 30 Food Processing 31 Food Science and Dietetics 26 Food Science & Nutrition 32 Food Science and Nutrition 33 Food Service Management and Dietetics 27 Food Service Management & Dietetics 34 Home Science 28 Home Science 35 Nutrition and Dietetics 29 Nutrition and Dietetics 36 Geography 30 Geography 16 Geography 37 Geology 31 Geology 17 Geology 38 Hindi 32 Hindi 18 Hindi 39 Historical Studies 33 Historical Studies 19 History / Historical Studies 40 History 34 History 41 History (Education) 35 History Education 20 History Education 42 Human Resource Development 36 Human Resource Development (HRD) 21 Human Resource Development (HRD) 43 Human Rights 37 Human Rights 22 Human Rights Page 23 of 40 44 Indian Culture 38 Indian Culture and Tourism 23 Indian Culture and 45 Indian Culture and Tourism Tourism 46 Information Technology 39 Information Technology 24 Information Technology 47 MS-Information Technology 48 Journalism and Mass Communication 40 Journalism & Mass Communication 25 Journalism & Mass Communication 49 Malayalam 41 Malayalam 26 Malayalam 50 Marine Biology 42 Marine Biology 27 Marine Biology 51 Mathematics 43 Mathematics 28 Mathematics 52 Micro Biology 44 Micro Biology 29 Micro Biology 53 Music 45 Indian Music 30 Indian Music 54 Nano Technology - - - 55 Physical Science (Education) 46 Physical Science Education 31 Physical Science Education 56 Physics 47 Physics 32 Physics 57 Political Science 48 Political Science 33 Political Science 58 Psychology 49 Psychology 34 Psychology 59 Public Administration 50 Public Administration 35 Public Administration 60 Sanskrit 51 Sanskrit 36 Sanskrit 61 Social Work 52 Social Work 37 Social Work 62 Sociology 53 Sociology 38 Sociology 63 Statistics 54 Statistics 39 Statistics 64 Tamil 55 Tamil 40 Tamil 65 Telugu 56 Telugu 41 Telugu 66 Tourism 57 Tourism and Travel Management 42 Tourism and Travel Management 67 Tourism Administration 68 Tourism and Travel Management 69 Urdu 58 Urdu 43 Urdu 70 Visual Communication 59 Visual Communication 44 Visual Communication 71 Wild Life Biology 60 Wild Life Biology 45 Wild Life Biology 72 Zoology 61 Zoology 46 Zoology 73 Fashion Technology 62 Fashion Technology 47 Costume Design & Fashion 63 Costume Design & Fashion 64 Physical Education 48 Physical Education 65 Mathematics Education 49 Mathematics Education Page 24 of 40 10. SUBJECT WISE DETAILS FOR THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION: 49 Disciplines for the written examination Subject Backlog Vacancies Special Rect. Short fall Vacancies Current Vacancies Total 1 Bio Technology 5 5 2 Bio Chemistry 24 24 3 Botany 3 115 118 Plant Biology and Plant Bio Technology 28 28 4 Biological Science Education 1 1 5 Business Administration 1 20 21 6 Chemistry 7 1 263 271 7 Computer Science 5 1 244 250 Computer Application 2 76 78 8 Costume Design and Fashion 5 5 Fashion Technology 1 1 9 Commerce 2 296 298 Commerce (Accounts & Finance) 2 2 Commerce (Banking & Insurance) 1 1 Commerce (Computer Application) 3 14 17 Commerce (E.Commerce) 2 1 3 Commerce (International Business) 21 21 Commerce (Co-Operation) 14 14 Commerce (Corporate Secretaryship) 30 30 Page 25 of 40 49 Disciplines for the written examination Subject Backlog Vacancies Special Rect. Short fall Vacancies Current Vacancies Total 10 Defence Studies 8 8 11 Economics 7 161 168 12 English 17 1 656 674 13 Electronics 21 21 Electronics and Communication 9 9 14 Environmental Science 1 1 15 Education 45 45 16 Food &Nutrition 10 10 Food Science & Nutrition 4 4 Food Service Management & Dietetics 7 7 Nutrition & Dietetics 26 26 Home Science 36 36 17 Hindi 5 5 18 History 1 126 127 Historical Studies 4 4 19 Human Rights 3 3 20 Human Resource Development (HRD) 2 2 21 History Education 1 1 22 Geography 2 1 78 81 23 Geology 28 28 24 Information Technology 12 12 25 Indian Culture and Tourism 4 4 Page 26 of 40 49 Disciplines for the written examination Subject Backlog Vacancies Special Rect. Short fall Vacancies Current Vacancies Total 26 Indian Music 3 3 27 Journalism and Mass Communication 7 7 28 Mathematics 7 318 325 29 Marine Biology 2 2 30 Microbiology 32 32 31 Mathematics Education 4 4 32 Malayalam 1 1 33 Physics 6 226 232 34 Political Science 1 37 38 35 Psychology 14 14 36 Physical Education 1 1 37 Public Administration 1 9 10 38 Physical Science Education 4 4 39 Sanskrit 1 4 5 40 Statistics 4 80 84 41 Social Work 16 16 42 Sociology 3 3 43 Tamil 1 569 570 44 Telugu 2 2 45 Tourism and Travel Management 12 12 46 Visual Communication 29 29 47 Urdu 3 3 48 Wild Life Biology 5 5 49 Zoology 2 132 134 Total 72 3 4 3921 4000 Page 27 of 40 11. SCHEME OF SELECTION: Selection Procedure: A. Written Examination B. Interview A. Written Examination: The Date, Time and Centre for the written examination will be indicated in the Hall Ticket. The Hall Tickets for the eligible candidates will be uploaded by the Teachers Recruitment Board in its website. The candidates are advised to refer to the Teachers Recruitment Board’s website for details ( and download the Hall Ticket. The hall tickets shall not be sent to the candidates individually. No written communication will be sent to the candidate. Mere participation of the candidates in the Written Examination does not confer any right of their claim in the selection. i. Scribes: Visually Impaired candidates / eligible Orthopedically Impaired candidates will be allowed assistance of scribes based on the Disability Certificate / Medical Certificate submitted and claim made by the candidates. ii. Examination Marks: The Examination Marks of all candidates will be published in the website of Teachers Recruitment Board viz. A press release shall also be issued. B. Interview: Candidates will be called for Interview based on the marks secured in the Written Examination by following merit-cum-communal rotation as per the prevailing Government norms. Interview shall be conducted as per G.O.(Ms)No.246, Higher Education (F2) Department, Dated: 08.11.2022. 12. PROVISIONAL SELECTION: A merit list of candidates will be prepared based on the marks secured in the Written Examination and Interview taken together by following the Rule of Reservation of Appointment after due verification of all Certificates / Documents as below: Page 28 of 40 A. Original Certificates and Mark Statements pertaining to the following Educational Qualifications: i. 10th / SSLC Marks Sheet ii. 12th / Higher Secondary Marks Sheet iii. Diploma or its equivalent, if applicable 1. Consolidated Marks Sheet of all Semesters. 2. Diploma Certificate or Provisional Certificate iv. UG Degree in the relevant subject or its equivalent 1. Consolidated Marks Sheet of all Semesters. 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate v. PG Degree in the relevant subject or its equivalent 1. Consolidated Mark Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate vi. M.Phil. Degree, if applicable. 1. Consolidated Mark Sheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate vii. B.Ed., Degree or its equivalent, if applicable 1. Consolidated Marksheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate viii. M.Ed., Degree or its equivalent, if applicable 1. Consolidated Marksheet of all Semesters 2. Degree Certificate or Provisional Certificate ix. Ph.D. Degree/Viva Voce approval letter from university, if applicable x. NET / SLET, etc., Certificate, if applicable xi. Evidence G.O. for equivalence of qualification, if applicable. xii. Certificate for Teaching Experience in Government Colleges as Guest Lecturers, if applicable (ANNEXURE-IV). Page 29 of 40 xiii. Conduct Certificate from the Last Studied Institution. xiv. Character Certificate from a Gazetted Officer xv. Community Certificate xvi. Proof for claiming Persons Studied in Tamil Medium reservation (PSTM), if applicable (ANNEXURE - I & II) xvii. No Objection Certificate from the HOD or Appointing Authority, if applicable. (ANNEXURE - III) xviii. Transgender ID (Card) with Gender Certificate, if applicable. xix. Differently Abled Person (PwD) Certificate, if applicable. B. The list of candidates provisionally selected will be published in the website viz. The provisional selection of the candidates is subject to fulfillment of necessary eligibility criteria and the decision of Teachers Recruitment Board shall be final. The appointment orders for provisionally selected candidates will be issued by the Higher Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu after due verification of all Certificates / Documents. 13. ACTION AGAINST CANDIDATES FOUND GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT : Candidates are warned that they should not furnish the particulars that are false or suppress any material information while filling in the application form. Candidates are also warned that they should in no case attempt to alter or otherwise tamper with any entry in a document or submit details based on tampered / fabricated document. If there is any inaccuracy or any discrepancy, in the application form, it will not be considered. Without prejudice to criminal action / debarment from writing TRB’s examination and the candidature will be summarily cancelled at any stage of the recruitment in respect of candidates found to have indulged in any of the following: (a) In possession of mobile phone & accessories, Bluetooth devices and other electronic gadgets within the premises of the Examination centres, whether in use or in switched off mode and in person or otherwise. (b) Involved in malpractices. (c) Using unfair means in the examination hall. (d) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for selection. Page 30 of 40 (e) Impersonate/procuring impersonation by any person. (f) Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with. (g) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material information. (h) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/ her candidature for the examination. (i) Misbehaving in any manner in the examination hall with the Supervisor, Invigilator or TRB’s representatives. (j) Intimidating or causing bodily harm to the staff employed by the TRB for the conduct of examination. (k) Candidature can also be cancelled at any stage of the examination on any other ground which the TRB considers to be sufficient cause for cancellation of candidature. 14. DECLARATION REGARDING CRIMINAL CASES (OR) DISCIPLINARY CASES: (i) Candidates who have declared pending criminal or disciplinary cases in their online application, must upload the copy of First Information Report (FIR) or memorandum of charges / show cause notice, as the case may be. Failure to upload such papers along with online application, shall result in rejection of candidature after due process. (ii) Candidates who have declared conviction in criminal cases or punishment in disciplinary cases, in their online application, must upload the relevant Court orders and / or release orders or memorandum of proceedings, as the case may be, along with online application. Failure to upload such papers, shall result in rejection of candidature after due process. (iii) In case of any criminal case filed / disciplinary action taken against or conviction / punishment imposed on a candidate after submission of the on-line application at any stage of the recruitment process before the completion of entire selection process, such candidates should report this fact to the Teachers Recruitment Board in the next immediate stage. Failure to comply with these instructions shall result in rejection of candidature after due process and debarment for a period of one year. [Para. 14 (Q) of “Instructions to Candidates’’] Any violation of instruction therein will result in rejection of application and cancellation of his / her candidature after due process. Page 31 of 40 15. GENERAL INFORMATION: a. Candidates should keep ready their scanned recent color passport size photograph (Jpg/Jpeg/Png format of size 20-60 kb) and signature (Jpg/Jpeg/Png format of size 10-30 KB) separately. The candidates will have to upload their photo image and signature while applying online. The online application uploaded without the candidate’s photograph and candidate’s signature will be summarily rejected. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. b. These certificates shall be uploaded in Jpg/Jpeg/Png format of size 60-120 Kb. c. A valid e-mail id and Mobile Number of candidates are mandatory for registration and e-mail id should be kept active as all future communications will be sent to the registered email id only. d. If the candidate is applying for more than one post or subject, he / she should submit separate application form for each subject. In such cases the candidate should use different email id and mobile number for registration. But a candidate cannot apply more than once for the same subject. Otherwise, his/her both applications will be rejected. e. Evidence for claims made by the candidate while applying online shall be uploaded by the candidate at the time of Registration itself, which will be verified during the time of Certificate Verification and Interview. f. Incomplete applications and applications containing false claims or incorrect particulars relating to category of reservation, basic qualifications and other eligibility criteria will be liable for rejection and criminal action will be initiated against the candidate. g. The number of vacancies notified is only tentative and it is subject to modification with reference to vacancy position given by the User Department before finalization of selection. h. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification for selection. i. No TA/DA will be paid for Certificate Verification and attending Interview. j. In the matter of recruitment, the decision of the Teachers Recruitment Board is final. k. The online application can be submitted till 05.00 p.m. on 24.04.2024 after which the link will be disabled. Page 32 of 40 WARNING ➢ The Teachers Recruitment Board hereby cautions the candidates against touts and agents who may cheat, by making false promises through unfair means. The Direct Recruitment to the Posts of Assistant Professors in Tamil Nadu Collegiate Educational Service for Government Arts & Science Colleges and Government Colleges of Education by the Teachers Recruitment Board is purely merit based. ➢ The Teachers Recruitment Board shall not be responsible or liable for any loss that may be caused to any applicant on account of indulging in any sort of dealings with unscrupulous elements. ➢ Candidates are solely responsible for their claims made in the Online application and cannot blame service providers like Internet cafes / Browsing centres / Common service centres for the mistakes made while filling up the applications through Online. Candidates are advised to check the filled in Online application along with required documents and ensure its correctness before finally submitting the same. TRB will not take any responsibility for any mistakes. ➢ The Candidates shall mandatorily upload the certificates / documents (in support of all the claims made / details furnished in the Online application) at the time of submission of Online application itself. It shall be ensured by the Candidates that the Online application shall not be submitted without uploading the required certificates / documents. ➢ Candidates are directed to read and follow all the information / instructions / guidelines given in this notification, the Board’s “Instructions to Candidates” ( and in the online application before applying for this recruitment. Clarification, if any, may be obtained over phone (1800 425 6753) or by an email ( well ahead of the last date for submission of Online application. 16. REPRESENTATIONS: Any representation, query with respect to Key answer and other issues should be sent through the applicant’s e-mail only. Other mode of communication such as post, in person, WhatsApp, etc., shall not be entertained by Teachers Recruitment Board. (a) After submitting the application, Candidates can print / save their application in PDF format. Page 33 of 40 (b) Candidates need not send the printout of the online application or any other supporting documents to the board. 17. INTIMATION TO THE CANDIDATES: Individual Communication regarding the Date and Time of Certificate Verification (CV) and Interview will not be sent to the Candidates by Post. The details will be made available in the Teachers Recruitment Board’s website. However, the Teachers Recruitment Board provides an additional facility to the candidates by informing the above said date and time of Certificate Verification and Interview etc., via SMS and e-mail through their registered Mobile Number and email ID. Candidates are directed to watch the Teachers Recruitment Board’s website periodically for all updates and intimations. Teachers Recruitment Board is not responsible for failure / delay in delivery of SMS / email to the candidates due to any reason including technical issues. Any representation from the candidates for non-receipt of SMS or e-mail will receive no attention. 18. LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF FILLED-IN APPLICATION FORMS: The last date for submission of filled-in Application Forms through Online mode is on or before 29.04.2024 at 5.00 p.m. After that the online link will be disabled. Incomplete application will be rejected. SECRETARY Page 34 of 40 19. Abbreviations: GT : General Turn BC : Backward Class BCM : Backward Class Muslim MBC/DNC : Most Backward Class / Denotified Community SC : Scheduled Caste SCA : Scheduled Caste Arunthathiar ST : Scheduled Tribe PSTM : Persons studied in Tamil Medium W : Women V.I. : Visually Impaired H.H. : Hard of Hearing O.I. : Ortho Impaired M.D. : Multiple Disorder CV : Current Vacancy BV : Backlog Vacancy SET : State Eligibility Test NET : National Eligibility Test SLET : State Level Eligibility Test CSIR : Counsel of Scientific & Industrial Research JRF : Junior Research Fellow G.O. : Government Order PwD : Persons with Disabilities Jpg/Jpeg : Joint photographic group/ Joint photographic expert group PNG : Portable Network Graphics KB : Kilobyte PDF : Portable Document Format Page 35 of 40 ANNEXURE – I Page 36 of 40 ANNEXURE – II Page 37 of 40 மூடப்பட்ட கல்லூரிகளில் தமிழ் வழியில் பயின்றதற்கான சான்றிதழ் பபறுவதற்கான படிவம் Page 38 of 40 ANNEXURE-III NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE (NOC) BY THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OR APPOINTING AUTHORITY 1. Name of the applicant : 2. Name of the Post held : 3. Whether the applicant is employed temporarily under the emergency provisions or whether the applicant is a probationer or an approved probationer or a full member of any of the sub-ordinate / State Services : 4. Period of Employment From (date) : To (date) : Endorsement No : Dated : a. I have no objection to the applicant`s application being considered for the post of / recruitment of ....................................... b. Certified that, Thiru. / Tmt. / Selvi....................................................................has the following punishment / has no punishment to his/her credit. c. It is also certified that no charge or / and criminal case is pending against him/her. (If there is pending the copy of documents to be enclosed). Place : Office Seal & date Signature Name in Capital Letters: Designation: Page 39 of 40 ANNEXURE-IV (Government Arts & Science Colleges and Government Colleges of Education Only) TEACHING EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATE (Separate Form should be used for each Institution) a) 1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Post Held : 3. Name of the Institution : with Full Address 4. Email Id of the Govt College : b) Father’s / Spouse Name : c) Date of Birth : Details of Teaching Experience : Academic Year wise Sl. No. Academic Year Subject Taught Whether (UG / PG Level) No. of Periods per week Period of Service From To Date Period From To Month Days 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Certified that the above particulars are verified against records maintained in the Institution / College and are found correct. Also certify that a copy of the certificate issued along with records in maintained by this office for future reference. Place: Principal / Head of the Institution Date: Name : (Office Seal) : Countersignature Verified the above particulars with the appointment order/ Institution/ College - Staff approval order/ Attendance / Acquittance / ECS Statements and other relevant records and found to be correct. I also certify that before countersigning this experience certificate I am satisfied with the genuineness of the records relating to the candidate. A copy of the same is maintained in this office for future reference. Ref. No: Authorised / Competent Authority (R. J. D)....……………Region Place: Name: Date: Designation: (Office Seal) Certificate approved by Joint Director (P & D) Directorate of Collegiate Education Chennai Recent Passport SizePhotograph of the candidate duly attested by the Certificate issuing authority (Sign and Seal should be partly in Photograph and application) Page 40 of 40 Instructions for Candidates and Countersigning Authority: ➢ Separate Form should be used for each Institution worked. ➢ If a candidate worked / working in an Institution for more than five academic years use separate forms for each five academic years. ➢ The Teaching Experience Certificate should be properly attested, signed and proper seal affixed by the Regional Joint Director of Collegiate Education in the case of Government Arts & Science Colleges / Government B.Ed. Colleges. ➢ Teaching Experience Certificate in the particular subject for which the candidate applied for shall alone will be considered. ➢ No corrections or overwriting is allowed. ➢ The certificate issuing authority has to issue two original copies to the candidate. ➢ The issuing authorities should maintain records including serial Number, date of issue, place of issue and keep one original copy of the certificates issued by them for future verification. ➢ A passport size photograph should be affixed in each certificate. Those photographs have to be attested by the issuing Authority. Part of the signature and seal should be on the photograph. ➢ The Countersigning Authority shall ensure and verify that the experience certificate is issued for the periods in which the candidate is fully qualified for the Posts of Assistant Professor as prescribed in the Notification. ➢ Candidates have to obtain two original copies from each Institution in the prescribed format which should be produced at the time of Certificate Verification. ➢ The experience certificate of Guest Lecturers, if applicable shall be uploaded in Candidate’s dashboard as per the format given in Annexure-IV between 01.07.2024 and 30.07.2024. ➢ Weightage Marks will be awarded only when the candidate submits the Experience Certificate. ➢ The Experience Certificates should be countersigned after the Date of Notification. 


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