
AARI Winter Internship May 2024 on "Biofertilizers" for Loyola College - UG Students

Winter Internship 2024 Annakkili Amma Research Institute (AARI), conducted 11 days winter internship program for Loyola College, UG Plant Biology and Biotechnology final year students.  The Internship program was covering Vermitechnology, Nitrogen fixing Bacterial isolation, compost preparation, Seaweed Liquid Fertilizers and other topics related to Biofertilizer. The 11 days program started on 18th December 2024 and till 30th  December 2024 for first batch and for second batch it started on 2nd January, 2025. This Post contains the Name List of the students, who participated in the Internship Program d uring   18th December 2024 to 12th  January 2025 . This list is to cross verify the certificate provided by AARI (AARI certificates are provided with QR codes, if anyone want to check the authenticity of the certificate can simply scan and verify the Name and AARI register Number).    Reg. No Name Roll No AARI-10...

11 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

 11 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for fully funded PhD positions? University of Southern Denmark, Denmark invites online application for multiple funded PhD Programs / fully funded PhD positions in various research areas.

Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible. Interested and eligible applicants may submit their online application for PhD programs via the University’s Online Application Portal. 

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in The Role of Power-to-X in Transforming District Heating – An Integrated Technical, Economic, and Environmental Approach

Summary of PhD Program:

The selected candidate will embark on a research journey within a supportive and resource-rich environment, characterized by state-of-the-art facilities and a network of leading academics and industry professionals. We are looking for a passionate and driven individual who is ready to delve into innovative research projects, aiming to push the boundaries of mechanical engineering. The starting date for this position is flexible, with a preference for August 2024, allowing the successful applicant to integrate smoothly into our academic calendar and commence their research activities at an optimal time.

Application Deadline: 04/30/2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Dynamic Modelling of Refrigeration/Heat Pump Systems using natural refrigerants

Summary of PhD Program:

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 3-year salaried PhD position within sustainable cooling and heating technologies. The candidate will be offered the exciting opportunity to develop next generation Refrigeration/Heat Pump Systems using natural refrigerants with the aid of advanced dynamic simulation models. All the activities will be carried out in close collaboration with relevant Danish industrial partners. The starting date is 1 August 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. 

Application Deadline: 04/30/2024

Apply now


3. Fully Funded PhD Position in DelibRef

Summary of PhD Program:

DelibRef focuses on the impact of referendums on representative government at both local and national level in different countries. The project involves a small team, including the principal investigator Davide Morisi, a Postdoctoral fellow, a PhD candidate, and student assistants. The PhD position will be related to the entire project, with a particular focus on Subproject 1.

The main question driving DelibRef is how can referendums benefit representative government from a citizen perspective? The project addresses this question by focusing on deliberative referendums, a key innovation that so far has been mostly confined to theoretical debate. Deliberative referendums combine the benefits of deliberation with the powerful voting device of referendums, making them a scalable intervention with potentially large societal impact.

Application Deadline: 05/01/2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Pain, post-traumatic symptoms and sexual assault

Summary of PhD Program:

The project “Pain, post-traumatic symptoms and sexual assault” is supported by the Council for the Victims’ Fund and is carried out in collaboration with the Center for Rape Victims; OUH, Center for Rape Victims, Lillebælt Hospital and Pain Center South, OUH. Chronic pain is a major health problem. Pain can occur after a traumatic experience and a high symptom overlap between chronic pain and post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSD) has been documented. The risk of developing PTSD is particularly high after sexual assault, which is why there is probably a significant vulnerability or maintaining factor between pain and PTSD after sexual assault. In the ICD-11 diagnosis system, a distinction is made between PTSD and complex PTSD (KPTSD).

Application Deadline: 25.04.2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in physiology of microbial key players exposed to oxygen depletion

Summary of PhD Program:

A 3-year PhD position is available at Nordcee, Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark in environmental microbiology. In this project you will study the physiology of microbial key players of global element cycles when exposed to oxygen depletion. Aquatic oxygen-depleted environments are hotspots of microbial activity, including microbial processes that are sources or sinks of greenhouse gases. For example, aerobic methanotrophic and ammonia-oxidizing microbes are frequently found in such oxygen-deficient environments, even though they require molecular oxygen for their metabolism. While ammonia-oxidizers can produce traces of oxygen in the dark via NO-dismutation themselves, aerobic methanotrophs rely on an external source of oxygen. However, their lower limits regarding oxygen requirements are largely unknown. 

Application Deadline: 04/15/2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bioinformatics in Cancer Biology

Summary of PhD Program:

A three years PhD position is available from August/September 2024 in the team of Assoc. Prof. Paolo Ceppi at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Southern Denmark. The research group is interested in unraveling novel fundamental mechanisms that govern the plasticity of cancer cells in solid tumors, with a special focus on the impact of metabolic pathways on EMT, metastasis and chemoresistance. The lab is located in the SDU Main Campus in Odense, Denmark. 

Application Deadline: 04/12/2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Degradation and stabilization of non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) based on organic solar cells

Summary of PhD Program:

We are an international research group working in the field of green energy technologies (SDU CAPE), and we are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our research team at University of Southern Denmark (SDU), campus Sønderborg, in development of material systems for organic photovoltaics. We offer a modern, inclusive, international, and interdisciplinary working environment with state-of-the-art facilities as well as a strong tradition of international collaboration. Our ambition is to recruit, develop, and retain talented scholars committed to both academic excellence and departmental development.

Application Deadline: 04/15/2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Renal Calcium Transport

Summary of PhD Program:

The laboratory of Henrik Dimke, Cardiovascular and Renal Research Unit at the Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark is seeking a highly motivated PhD student in the field of renal transport physiology. The focus will be directed on understanding the regulation of claudins in renal handling of divalent cations. There will be particular focus on the renal calcium-sensing receptor and regulation of renal calcium transport in various transgenic models. To address the role of divalent cation transport proteins within kidney, the successful applicant will use inducible cell-specific transgenic strategies coupled with detailed physiological characterization, a range of molecular and biochemical techniques, as well as imaging.

Application Deadline: 01.04.2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Applied Economics

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD student will be affiliated to the Econometrics and Data Science Group which focuses on producing high quality research and teaching in Econometrics, Statistics, Causal Inference, Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics. The group is acknowledged as a leading research group and attracts substantial grants and media coverage, as well as publishing books and journal articles with top outlets. The candidate will join an international team of researchers and will be involved in a research project that combines administrative data with external sources to enhance our understanding of how employment conditions affect employee mental health. The research project will use econometrics and machine learning techniques to quantify the impact of key legislations on employee mental health. 

Application Deadline: 04/02/2024

Apply now

10. Fully Funded PhD Position in membrane technology applied to water recycling in microalgae hydrothermal treatment

Summary of PhD Program:

The Section of Chemical Engineering (ChE), Department of Green Technology (IGT), University of Southern Denmark, (SDU) invites applications for a PhD position within the area of process separation by membrane technology and chromatography. The starting date for the position is 1st of May 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter, and will be agreed upon with the successful candidate. The activity is part of the project SUSTEP “Sustainable, Secure and Competitive Energy through Scaling up Advanced Biofuel Generation” financed through the Horizon Europe Framework Programme “Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply”. The PhD project will be performed in collaboration with the project partners. 

Application Deadline: 03/31/2024

Apply now

11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Human Relationships with the Environment, Humanities

Summary of PhD Program:

PhD scholarship is available at the SDU Climate Cluster Elite Centre CUHRE – Centre for Understanding Human Relationships with the Environment and the Department of Culture and Languages, the University of Southern Denmark, Odense. The PhD scholarship will contribute to the project Cultivated Wilderness and Ecoliteracy in Denmark and more specifically to the sub-project Wilderness Narratives and Emotional Communities in Denmark: Interactions with Cultivated Wild Nature. As a PhD-student, you will develop your own research project within the framework of this subproject, collaborating closely with project PI, Laura Feldt, and the research team in the subproject. More detailed information can be gained at CUHRE’s website. As a PhD-student you will also be affiliated with the Department of Culture and Languages and the Study of Religion.

Application Deadline: 04/02/2024

Apply now


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